对老年人睡眠的研究建议不要小睡, striving for 7-9 hours a night


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Napping, as well as sleeping too much or too little or having poor sleep patterns, appears to increase the risk for cardiovascular disease in older adults, 新的研究表明.

这项研究发表在周二的《沙巴体育平台点击进入》杂志上 美国心脏协会杂志, adds to a growing body of evidence supporting sleep's importance to good health. The 美国心脏协会 recently added sleep duration to its checklist of health and lifestyle factors for cardiovascular health, known as 生活的真谛. 该机构表示,成年人每晚平均应该睡7到9个小时.

"Good sleep behavior is essential to preserve cardiovascular health in middle-aged and older adults,首席作者许伟丽说, a senior researcher at the Aging Research Center in the department of neurobiology, 在斯德哥尔摩卡罗林斯卡学院的护理科学和社会, Sweden. "We encourage people to keep nighttime sleeping between seven to nine hours and to avoid frequent or excessive napping."

Prior research has shown poor sleep may put people at higher risk for a range of chronic illnesses and conditions affecting heart and brain health. These include cardiovascular disease, dementia, diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. 根据 疾病控制和预防中心近35%的美国人.S. 成年人说他们的睡眠沙巴足球体育平台少于7小时,而3小时.6%的人说他们睡了10个小时或更多.

Previous sleep duration studies show that sleeping too much or too little both may raise the risk for cardiovascular disease. 但午睡是好是坏一直不清楚.

In the new study, researchers analyzed sleep patterns for 12,268 adults in the Swedish Twin Registry. 研究开始时,参与者的平均年龄为70岁, 无重大心血管沙巴体育平台点击进入史.

A questionnaire was used to collect data on nighttime sleep duration; daytime napping; daytime sleepiness; the degree to which they considered themselves a night person or morning person, based on the time of day they considered themselves most alert; and symptoms of sleep disorders, 比如打鼾和失眠. Participants were followed for up to 18 years to track whether they developed any major cardiovascular problems, 包括心脏病和中风.

People who reported sleeping between seven and nine hours each night were least likely to develop cardiovascular disease, 与先前研究一致的发现. 与那组人相比, those who reported less than seven hours were 14% more likely to develop cardiovascular disease, and those who reported more than 10 hours were 10% more likely to develop cardiovascular disease.

与那些说自己从不午睡的人相比, those who reported napping up to 30 minutes were 11% more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. 如果小睡沙巴足球体育平台超过30分钟,患病风险会增加23%. Overall, those who reported poor sleep patterns or other sleep issues – including insomnia, 沉重的鼾声, 睡眠过多或过少, frequent daytime sleepiness and considering themselves a night person – had a 22% higher risk

Study participants who reported less than seven hours of sleep at night and napping more than 30 minutes each day had the highest risk for cardiovascular disease – 47% higher than those reporting the optimal amount of sleep and no naps.

是否如此,目前尚无定论 naps 影响整个生命周期的心血管风险, 玛丽-皮埃尔说, center director for the Sleep Center of Excellence and an associate professor at Columbia University in New York City. She noted that the new research, which she was not involved in, was restricted to older adults.

而不是试图通过小睡来弥补睡眠沙巴足球体育平台, people should try to develop healthier sleep habits that allow them to get an optimal amount of sleep at night, St-Onge said. This includes making sure the sleep environment is not too hot or cold or too noisy. 睡前减少在强光下的暴露, 晚上不要吃得太晚, getting enough exercise during the day and eating a healthful diet also help.

"Even if sleep is lost during the night, excessive napping is not suggested during the day," Xu said. And, 如果人们长期睡眠不足, 他们应该咨询医疗保健专业人士,找出原因, she said.

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