

Try one of these tips each day for a month to help your family take a step-by-step approach to eating healthier.

  1. 让孩子们有兴趣尝试新的水果和蔬菜. Have them pick out a new 水果 or vegetable in the grocery store each week. 一起计划如何以健康的方式准备它.

  2. 在你的家庭饮食计划中加入全谷物. 买面包的时候, 大米, 意大利面, 麦片, 饼干和更多, 选择全麦食品. 寻找 “全谷物” 成为配料表上的第一种成分.

  3. 选择健康的“好”脂肪. 使用非热带液体植物油, 比如油菜籽, 玉米, 橄榄, 红花, 芝麻和向日葵, in place of butter 和 other solid fats to minimize saturated fat 和 avoid trans fat.

  4. 做一个好榜样. It’s hard to expect your kids to eat their vegetables if you’re not eating yours. 教导你的孩子并以身作则 健康的食物 are 和 how much we should be eating to keep our bodies healthy.

  5. 阅读营养标签. 寻找 foods that provide vitamins, minerals 和 dietary fiber. Limit sodium, added sugars, saturated fat 和 avoid trans fat. 寻找 心部裂纹马克 on products in the grocery store to help you know you are making a healthy choice.

  6. 多在家做饭. 当你做饭的时候, you have more control over the ingredients in your food 和 the amount you eat 和 serve. 多在家做饭,少出去吃饭. 开始我们的美味,营养 食谱.

  7. 零食聪明. 把即食水果和蔬菜放在手边, such as celery 和 bell peppers 和 a bowl of grapes or cherries, 放在冰箱里一个容易拿得到的地方. 你的家人可能会带上水果和蔬菜, 尤其是零食, 如果它们是现成的. 让简单的选择成为健康的选择.

  8. 吃富含有益心脏健康的omega-3脂肪酸的鱼. Oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, trout 和 albacore tuna, are good choices. 计划一周吃两次鱼. 试试这些 鱼食谱.

  9. 享受一小把坚果或种子. 选择无盐或少量盐的坚果. Almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, pistachios 和 walnuts are all good choices. Also, stir them in plain, fat-free/low-fat yogurt or oatmeal or sprinkle them on salads.

  10. 选择新鲜、罐装或冷冻的蔬菜和水果. 它们富含营养和膳食纤维. 它们的卡路里和钠含量也很低. Fresh, frozen 和 canned produce can all be healthy choices. For canned, choose the no-salt-added, reduced-sodium 和 no-added-sugar options. 如果是冷冻的,找那些没有酱汁或调味料的.

  11. 使用新鲜或干燥的草药和无盐香料. 在厨房里储备香草和香料, 比如罗勒, 欧芹, 卡宴, 辣椒粉, 孜然, 咖喱, 姜, 黑胡椒粉, crushed red pepper flakes 和 a salt-free seasoning blend. 用这些来代替盐给食物调味. 再挤一点新鲜的柠檬或酸橙来提味.

  12. 自带午餐. Whether you’re going to the office or the kids are off to school, it’s a good idea to bring your lunch so everyone can make healthy choices. Try tuna or egg salad with fat-free/low-fat mayo on 100% whole-wheat bread with lettuce 和 tomato. Opt for a salad with beans, nuts 和 fat-free/low-fat cheese for protein. 发挥创意,也可以利用剩菜剩菜. How about using last night’s meatloaf in a pita pocket for today’s lunch with a schmear of ketchup (no salt added)? 别忘了带零食, 太, 包括奶酪线, 酸奶(纯, 无脂/低脂), 水果, 坚果/种子和切碎的蔬菜.

  13. 用健康的方式烹饪蔬菜. Different cooking methods will make the same vegetable taste a little different. So, if you don’t like steamed broccoli, for example, try 烤 it. Roasting brings out the natural sweetness in many vegetables, 比如花椰菜, 球芽甘蓝, 蘑菇和冬南瓜. 试试烤西葫芦、黄南瓜和玉米棒. 胡萝卜、雪豌豆和芦笋蒸起来很好吃.

  14. 当你购物的时候,要注意心勾标志. Keep your eye out for the 美国心脏协会’s trusted 心部裂纹马克 做出更明智的食物选择.

  15. 用不加糖的饮料代替加糖饮料. 享受气泡水, unsweetened tea or sugar-free beverages instead of sugar-sweetened soda or tea. 在饮料中加入水果,如柠檬、酸橙或浆果 想要更有味道.

  16. 享用水果当甜点. 制作时要加上水果 自制的甜点 将传统甜点限制在特殊场合.

  17. 使用健康的烹饪技术. 而不是油炸食品, 哪一种会增加很多额外的卡路里和不健康的脂肪, 使用更健康的烹饪方法, 比如慢炖, 烤, 烧烤、烘烤或蒸.

  18. 种植自己的花园. Kids are more likely to try something they’ve grown themselves.

  19. 每周安排沙巴足球体育平台计划健康膳食. Keep your 食谱, grocery list 和 coupons organized to make planning 和 budgeting easier. 你计划得越多, the less likely you’ll be tempted to choose fast food or make other unhealthy choices.

  20. 检查营养成分标签. 份量并不总是等于份量. Check the serving size 和 servings per container on foods you buy. What might seem like a reasonable portion might be two or more servings.

  21. 让你的孩子到厨房来. They’ll be more excited about eating 健康的食物 when they’ve been involved. Give them age-appropriate tasks 和 keep a step s太l h和y.

  22. Use frozen or canned fish 和 poultry for a quick 和 easy meal. Choose the low-sodium options canned in water 和 compare the sodium among products. 把这些蛋白质放入a中 简单的炒菜 或沙拉.

  23. 每周至少吃一次无肉餐. 想想蔬菜千层面或便携式蘑菇汉堡吧. Vegetables 和 beans can add protein, fiber 和 other nutrients to a meal.

  24. 做一个健康孩子的倡导者. Insist on good food choices at school 和 child care centers. 联系政府官员,让他们听到你的声音. 加入美国心脏协会 你是解药.

  25. 在预算范围内健康饮食. 试试这些 价格适宜的食谱. Many 水果s, vegetables 和 legumes (beans 和 peas) cost less than $1 per serving.

  26. 注意添加糖. 它们增加了额外的卡路里,但没有有益的营养. 糖-sweetened beverages 和 soft drinks are the number one source of added sugars for most of us. 把甜食和零食留到特殊场合.

  27. 吃彩虹. A fun 和 tasty way to make sure your family is eating a good variety of 水果s 和 vegetables is to eat as many different colors as you can each day.

  28. 外出就餐时给盘子上色. The kiddie crayons on the table aren’t the only way to add color to your meal. 寻找 五颜六色的水果和蔬菜 you can add as sides or substitutes for other ingredients in your dish.

  29. 一家人一起吃饭. 一起坐下来吃饭 每周至少与家人、朋友或邻居聚会一次. It can reduce stress, boost self-esteem 和 make everyone feel more connected.

  30. 帮助你的家人健康. 家庭聚餐对心脏有好处.  








