Mental Health in the Workplace


健康的工作场所有利于更健康的人和社区.S. surgeon general, whose recent landmark report 关于工作场所心理健康和幸福的研究补充了美国心脏协会的研究 Well-being Works Better initiative.

“当工人的心理健康受到影响时, so do workplace productivity, creativity and retention,” said Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murphy.

该报告是由COVID-19大流行对美国工作的深刻影响推动的. The numbers are startling:



  1. Protection from harm: Ensure physical and psychological safety; allow adequate rest; provide mental health support and policies that promote diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility.

  2. Connection and community: Encourage a sense of inclusion and belonging; cultivate trusted relationships; promote collaboration and teamwork.

  3. Work-life harmony: Provide more autonomy on how work is done; make schedules as flexible and predictable as possible; increase access to paid leave; respect boundaries between work and nonwork time.

  4. Mattering at work: Pay a living wage; engage workers in decision-making; build a culture of gratitude and recognition; connect individual work to organizational mission.

  5. Opportunities for growth: Offer training, education and mentoring; create clear, equitable pathways for advancement; ensure relevant, reciprocal feedback.

卫生局局长将工作场所称为“精神健康和幸福的引擎”,” which is how the Well-being Works Better Scorecard assesses them as well. The scorecard, developed with CEOs, industry leaders and AHA volunteers, helps businesses build a healthier, 通过基于证据的评估和分析,促进公平和高效的劳动力.

这两项努力都确定了类似的成功基础:安全、保障、公平和机会. The scorecard goes further, 生成数据,确定企业可以在计划和政策中做出的实质性改变,以改变其工作环境.